Are you ready for Halloween?

This is the second post I write about Halloween and I am obsessed with this holiday. I love to browse through websites and pick costumes and masks and home accessories.
I love the colours and themed parties, the orange and purple decor, the pumpkins everywhere, it's the holiday you get to decorate and sometimes over-decorate besides Christmas.

Last night, I was entertaining myself and I think I watched too many ''DIY & costume ideas for Halloween'' videos. This one was the best, so many different and fun options. Also, this one for beauty lovers and this one for couples. I love a good DIY and I always make my own decor using material I have at home. 

My fave costume is the witch. I think I got dressed like a witch too many times these last years haha, I love how spooky the costume is and I also have a white wig and a large pointed hat and my fave accessory is an old broom we had for ages. 

Maid outfit                    Little Red Riding Hood costume

Red glitter mask               Purple kids cloak

Are you ready for Halloween? Did you pick your costume?

*This wishlist is in collaboration with Gamiss.

*Disclaimer - since I got asked many times why do I post so many wishlists from shops and the clothes I receive, please note that not all clothes I receive are for me. I also order clothes for two friends that cannot afford to buy clothes every season, I find these collabs a great opportunity to help these lovely ladies who I love and respect and it's the least I can do for them. So for every collab, I order one or two items for me (to review here) and the rest for them. xx

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